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Morijana Community Project

A community Project of Wellspring based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Partnering with Morijana to support women and their children in poor communities.

Wellspring Initiative is the Sister Organisation to Morijana. As a business we believe it is equally important to invest into disadvantaged communities not only through micro-business but through social engagement, education and providing micro businesses.

Led by Khmer Social Worker Staff, Wellspring Initiative operates in two of the slum areas in Phnom Penh, reaching children and families who are at risk of exploitation.

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Relationship Building

The Wellspring and Morijana team are developing relationships with these women, building relationship first is one of our core values, to find out how they and their families need support.
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Working with the community to find out what microbusinesses might be viable and to work together to start to train and develop individuals so that transformation can begin through their families.

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Teaching Sewing Skills

The women in the community have expressed their desire to sew. Using donated sewing machines these women will be taught all aspects of sewing and in the future either start a micro business or become part of the Morijana program.
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Medical Care

Families are supported to get much needed medical attention.
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Home Visits

Visiting families in their homes, sitting and listening and being there to support families when they are in need, giving groceries, love and support.
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Health Program

In the future, we would love to educate on hygiene, personal care, parenting skills and discipleship.

Want to know more about us or partner with the work in the communities ?

Check us out on
Facebook : Morijana
Instagram : morijanaclothing


Or you can support the work of Wellspring by
Making a direct deposit into the Westpac bank account:

Account : Wellspring
BSB : 032 545
Account Number : 274614

Want to know more about us or partner with the work in the communities ?

Check us out on
Facebook : Morijana
Instagram : morijanaclothing


Or you can support the work of Wellspring by
Making a direct deposit into the Westpac bank account:

Account : Wellspring
BSB : 032 545
Account Number : 274614

Women in Cambodian Street wearing Morijana t-shirts that read, "One Woman Can Change a Community"